
I am a recent graduate from Utah State University with a BFA in Graphic Design. I am from Cottonwood Heights, Utah but have spent the last five years in Logan pursuing my degree.
I am open to travel and relocation as I would love to experinece living in a new place!
I have experience in branding, editorial, packaging, app and web design.
Hope to work with you soon!



Come see my senior show on April 26th!

! USU BFA Design Show 2024
Logan, UT 

01.   [BACKSPACE] 

Backspace is a theory zine which discusses the use of design and its purposes. It includes articles from both Beatrice Warde and Neville Brody. The design reflects their stance on design, Warde seeing type as a window to understanding the message, being reserved and traditional. While Brody’s design work reflects that of form over function. The design is more important than understanding the message.
Editorial Design

02.   [ENIGMA EXPO] 
Poster Design


Potential rebrand for the Solomon R. Guggenheim Musuem, located in New York City. The main pictorial element of the logo reflects the unique architecture that is commonly associated with The Guggenheim. This approach provides two connections with members coming to visit the museum those who have previously visited will recognize the shape relating to what is seen on the interior of the building, but those who haven’t will be able to see the ‘G’ shape and understand its representation of The Guggenheim. It always provides some interaction with visitors as those who have never been will be able to enter the museum, and make the connection between the logo and the interior architecture of the building.

04.   [SLAM DUNK] 
I am a recent graduate from Utah State University with a BFA in Graphic Design. I am from Cottonwood Heights, Utah but have spent the last five years in Logan pursuing my degree.
I am open to travel and relocation as I would love to experinece living in a new place!
I have experience in branding, editorial, packaging, app and web design.
Hope to work with you soon!
Poster Design

05.   [VERTICAL] 

Vertical, is a Architectural Magazine exploring techniques and examples of architectural design. The design reflects the relationship between type and image while allowing the architecture shown to be the main focus on the page. The photography used is done by myself as well.
Editorial Design


Book series that explores different topics within travel. Each book design uses topographical map elements to create an interesting composition that reflects the content of the book.
Book Cover Design

Logo Design


The Beekeeper of Aleppo is a true story of a refugee couple that fled from their home town of Aleppo due to war. The tile design is reflective of Syrian tile work, that incorporates bees, which are a consistent theme in the book. There are two bees seen leaving the crumbling tile work which is representative of the couple fleeing their home which is being destroyed.
Book Cover Design

09.   [VOLKAMER] 

Volkamer is a hard seltzer drink company with a logo mark that reflects influence from art deco designs while also using bright bold colors to reflect the intense flavors and taste in each drink.
Logo & Packaging Design